I'm not going to lie, I didn't think I was going to make it through the poem today. While it may seem like I have hours and hours of time to frivel (is that a word? The verb form of frivolous? Well, I have a degree in English Language so consider it COINED) away, that isn't always the case. I'm a well serious writer me, with a job and everything, and this week has turned out to be rather busy. So I make no apologies for the strangeness of this piece. I feel like it's more of a two parter - I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger...OOOOOOO! Aren't I AWFUL?! Yes, in many ways I am. But aren't we all?
The Key
disembarking the aircraft,
it was
decided that we should
luncheon on the runway.
Life is
lived by the caboose
and we weren’t
about to forget it.
The cold
hard fist of the morning
had just
broken open, showering us
with the
long fingers of the sun.
consisted of lightly battered egos
and a good
selection of tapas;
we were
growing more continental
with every
minute that engulfed us.
Soon the
white cliffs would be nothing more
than an
infamous smudge of ice cream
across a
naughty schoolboy’s sweater.
“I say,” I
said. “Isn’t that Margot?”
And so it
was. She floated across the tarmac
like some
hideous dream of Hollywood,
waving and
laughing for the paps
(also an
ancient word for “breast”).
Margot said, ruffling
her turgid
white hair with a neat,
hand. A small key,
no bigger
than a pine nut, fell out
and landed
next to my foot.
winked, like a jazz baby
is bound to
do, and I leant down to retrieve it.
Before I
could ask what it opened,
Margot was
swept up on the wing of a plane
bound for
St Moritz.
“Be careful
with that,” said Wilkes.
“Life is all
about opening a cupboard
and finding
an old jar of cinnamon
when all you
wanted was dried parsley.
Why not consider
growing your own herbs?”
“Wilkes,” I
said. “If I didn’t know better,
I’d say you
were in love with old Margot.”
turned into a sun blushed tomato.
Naturally I
ate him and thought nothing of it.
But what of
this dratted key, I ask you!
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